Why I’ve Been MIA Online

by | Nov 20, 2019 | Random Musings

Good news first…

My YouTube channel finally qualified for monetization! YIHAAAA!!!!! Thanks to all you amazing humans who continue to support my social media journey even if I’ve been on a weird limbo. Being a blogger ain’t as easy as I thought. Or perhaps because I’m still unable to fully commit to this because I know that it will lessen my time in the “real” world which for me, is much more fulfilling. But again, thank you for sticking around with me! 🙂

Also, my Philippine vacation turned out to be what I truly needed. I felt so revitalized, inspired and calm since I got back. I guess all my anxiety was coming from the fact that I really needed to visit home so bad so that I can get the grounding I’ve been longing for.

The not-so-good news…

www.jaymeewins.com is about to expire and I’m not renewing it with Wix but rather, move to WordPress. And that’s a LOT of work online!!! I’m still studying how I can transfer all my Wix content to WordPress but if I can’t, then I’ll have to do it manually, plus design the new site. GULP.

Also, the TITA JAYMEE branding kicked off well at first as the Titas of Manila seem to have loved it. (I did too! Especially the dancing to the oldies hits!!!) But it didn’t do well in the long run. I lost my international following, possible global collaborations and sponsorships and limited my audience to a really small niche market. It was a bummer as it was so natural for me to be a tita but I also want to reach a wide range of audience as much as possible. Not for the fame or money, but for a chance to help out more people with my inspiring story. Hence, rebranding is in the works. AGAIN.

So here’s what I’ve been working on with my 5 social media babies for 2020 that’s why I’ve been MIA on social media since I got back in the US:

1) Website – I’m a move it to WordPress and improve on aesthetics and functions. This will remain my online journal that I’m comfortable to share with the public.

2) YouTube – I’ll turn it back to English for the global audience’s sake. Taglish at times. And if the topic calls for it, then Tagalog. So I’ll finish off my videos from the Philippines which I already did in Tagalog but after that, we go back to the universal language.

3) Facebook – I’ll have to halt creating videos here for now as I’m focused on YouTube. But I’ll still keep posting updates and think of what to put here that will make it different from the Instagram feed. But for now, this will keep getting linked to Instagram. Eventually, I’d like to form groups, create exclusive content for top fans and do live videos when I have figured out a system to manage it all. But for now, gotta’ build on YouTube.

4) Instagram – Instagram TV didn’t turn out as big as I imagined. So I’ll put that on hold but keep posting daily musings on Insta-stories. I’ll post on the feed as well if there’s something relevant or inspiring to share.

5) Twitter – It’ll stay as is as I don’t have a lot of following here. Basically, I’ll keep tweeting what’s on my mind at any random moment.

Here are some additional online features I’m working on that I hope to launch next year as well:

1) Amazon Influencer Program – I just opened one so that I have a page that has the products, supplements, fashion and blogging equipment I use on a regular basis! Guess what the page name is? You got it! Jaymee WINS!!! Here’s a link to the store: www.amazon.com/shop/jaymeewins

2) Podcast – I’d love to do a weekly talk about positivity and abundance mindset, getting through day to day struggles, and managing anxiety and depression! Still studying how to mount this one.

3) Branding – The new tagline is WIN YOUR DAILY BATTLES. I gotta get back to why people followed me in the first place which is me being able to WIN over life’s hardships with cancer being the big one. So we’re sticking to it.

4) Content – I’ll be tackling day to day struggles that simple people go through. From feeling lonely to budgeting to stress to having a hard time waking up for work. Yup, adulting life can get overwhelming but we have to keep going! Because WINNING your battles is an everyday thing.

5) Book – I know I keep saying I’m working on this for awhile now but it really does take time to finish a book. Once my social media rebranding and YouTube channel generates in the level that I’m aiming for, I’ll get back to writing this one.

Stick around with me in the creation process, will you? This has been a one-woman show all along but with the grace of God, I’m gonna hit the breakthrough. It just takes time, hard work and some trial and error on my part to get it right and lots of patience on yours.

One post at a time. One progress at a time. 🙂