Why Strength Training Is Far Better Than Hypertrophy Training For All Women

by | Sep 26, 2023 | Health & Wellness

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While more women are rightfully looking to include strength training in their workout routines, there is the push and pull between strength training and hypertrophy training. Strength training is beneficial, but many people opt for hypertrophy because it creates the look they’re after. But let’s show you exactly why strength training trumps hypertrophy training every single time.


Focuses Beyond the Aesthetics

It’s so easy to be driven by the look. Hypertrophy training is all about muscle growth and aesthetics. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, if you are exclusively pursuing hypertrophy, this can cause issues in the long run, especially if you are setting unrealistic body image standards for yourself. This also filters into the supplement components of exercise in general. 

There are a lot of supplements out there, and while there are many that people can use, like creatine and essential amino acids, there are also others. Ibutamoren Mesylate, also known as MK677, stimulates HGH (Human Growth Hormone), and while there’s MK677 for sale online, we have to remember that strength training is more than just the aesthetics and is a gradual approach to creating a far more strong and stable version of yourself beyond just how you look.


A Greater Understanding of Your Mobility and Ability

We all look for the quick fix, and the biggest problem with this is that we invariably go towards hypertrophy because we want to look good, but we don’t necessarily feel good. This is where strength training is far more beneficial because it emphasizes functional strength, which then translates to improved mobility as we get older. 

Strength training enthusiasts like Pavel Tsatsouline are far more focused on building strength for everyone through one simple thing: the kettlebell and three movements that will cover almost every aspect of your strength. The Turkish get-up, kettlebell swing, and goblet squat cover so much that can enhance your mobility and strength, building a solid foundation for everything in your life and even preventing injuries.


An Efficient Approach

One of the biggest problems with hypertrophy is the dosage. You’ve got to do a lot in a short period of time, but this translates to far longer times spent in the gym. Strength training adopts a very minimal protocol, and because the general rule of strength training is three to five reps, three to five sets, with three to five minutes rest in between, you can actually build a far more beneficial strength routine into your life. 

One other thing to note here is that the rest can actually be stretched far longer than you realize. Powerlifters can spend hours resting in between sets, and tools such as greasing the groove, where you are literally doing one move every couple of hours and avoiding burnout, create a neurological stimulation that is so important for strength. What does this mean for you? You can fit it into your life, any which way you want!


There are many reasons why strength training is better than hypertrophy, but specifically for the sake of long-term sustainability, functionality, and confidence in yourself, you would be hard-pressed to find anything better.