3 Daily Habits That Can Harm Your Hearing Health

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Health & Wellness

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Your ability to hear everything around you is an invaluable sense to have. It enriches your experiences and interactions with the world. Sometimes, however, people compromise their hearing health without realizing the long-term repercussions on their ears. This has contributed to the 26 million adults living with permanently impaired hearing. This discussion delves into some negative habits impacting your hearing health and how to avoid them.


  • Constant overexposure to loud noises

Your ears can be damaged with only one incident of loud sound exposure. While that exists, the focus here is on the constant overexposure to loud noises. Modern life and living are synonymous with loud noises. The scenarios are innumerable – from concerts to increased construction activities and music blaring through earbuds and headphones. Medical research explains that prolonged exposure to loud sounds weakens the ear’s delicate internal structures. That includes the hair cells in the cochlea, which are responsible for sound signal transmission to the brain. The first thing to do is to evaluate your current lifestyle to determine how much noise you are constantly exposed to. Fortunately, you can mitigate this risk by considering noise-canceling headphones in an excessively loud environment. Remember to set your earbuds to reasonable and healthy volumes if you must listen to music. Meanwhile, it is advisable to prioritize protective gear such as earplugs if you are a miner, construction, or studio worker.


  • Improper ear-cleaning practices

Proper ear hygiene is necessary for healthy ears, but sometimes, things go wrong. You may inadvertently introduce bacteria into your ears while cleaning them. If you push cotton swabs or bobby pins into the ear canal, the results can be unpleasant. People unconsciously push wax deeper into their ears while cleaning, leading to potential hearing damage. Impacted earwax is a common reason for many reported ear issues. If things escalate, then the hearing specialist comes into the picture. Many audiology professionals advise against inserting objects into the ears to clean them. Excessive earwax naturally comes out and is close enough to remove with a warm washcloth. The latter simplifies the removal process without seeing the specialist. However, when you experience persistent earwax problems, the best thing is to see the audiologist for the appropriate ear care guidance.


  • Tobacco and nicotine use

Did you know that cigarette substances can restrict blood flow to the ears? This diminishes oxygen and nutrient supply to the auditory system, causing long-term hearing damage. The delicate cells in the inner ears don’t do well with diminished blood and oxygen supply. Therefore, it helps to reconsider your stance on tobacco and nicotine use. The effects of these substances often go unnoticed until hearing impairment is advanced. The earliest sign of damage may be diminished sound quality until it progresses into permanent hearing impairment. It explains why there is increasing information on the harmful effects of tobacco and nicotine on the body. Quitting can also improve your overall well-being. If you want to overcome it, it is advisable to seek a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.