Why I’ve Been MIA Online

Why I’ve Been MIA Online

Good news first… My YouTube channel finally qualified for monetization! YIHAAAA!!!!! Thanks to all you amazing humans who continue to support my social media journey even if I’ve been on a weird limbo. Being a blogger ain’t as easy as I thought. Or...
The Neighbor’s Garden

The Neighbor’s Garden

I always come across the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And it’s true. The more we look at other people’s seemingly amazing lives, the more we feel disadvantaged. And now with social media, we instantly fall into the trap of believing...
It’s Okay To Grieve

It’s Okay To Grieve

We are so pressured in today’s world to constantly be in a happy, strong and shiny mood. Our minds are bombarded by pop psychology to”toughen up”, “keep smiling” and “stay positive” even if we’re right in the middle of a...