Why I’ve Been MIA Online

Why I’ve Been MIA Online

Good news first… My YouTube channel finally qualified for monetization! YIHAAAA!!!!! Thanks to all you amazing humans who continue to support my social media journey even if I’ve been on a weird limbo. Being a blogger ain’t as easy as I thought. Or...

Awkward Hair. Awkward Life Stage.

Yup. The title of this blog says it all. Not only am I transitioning from being a pampered breast cancer patient to a go-your-own working woman in a competitive first world country, but I’m also experiencing growing confusion from being young, wild and free girl...
Finding Joy In The Creation

Finding Joy In The Creation

If you’ve been following me on social media, particularly Instagram where I show snippets of my daily musings, you would think that my life is so damn cool. I do yoga, eat out, try out new products that interests me, write blogs, shoot vlogs as I show off my...