How To Start Caring For Your Mental Health

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Health & Wellness

Right now, there’s a lot of discourse in the media about the importance of following a healthy lifestyle. However, many of these conversations centre around physical health, discussing everything from workout tips to diet-friendly recipes. 

While this is undoubtedly important, you must make your mental health a priority, especially as many studies have found that mental health conditions are on the rise across the globe. For example, the “COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.” 

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to start better caring for your mental health. 


  • Spend more time outdoors. There are hundreds of studies that explore the various ways in which you can improve your mental well-being by connecting with nature. This is because, when you are outside, the fresh air can help raise oxygen levels in your brain, which increases serotonin levels.” As a result, you should aim to spend as much time outdoors as possible, though even as little as ten minutes of outdoor time each day (say on your lunch break) can make a difference. 
  • Remove yourself from toxic situations. There are various different internal and external factors that can impact our mental health. However, the environment in which you spend most of your time is often one of the most significant factors. As a result, you must be able to identify the worst situations for your mental health, such as toxic workplaces, so you can remove yourself from these places when necessary. 
  • Speak to a psychologist. If you were to break your leg, you would not hesitate to seek the help of a medical professional. So, why not apply the same logic to dealing with poor mental health? Reaching out to a licensed psychologist can take a lot of weight off your shoulders. This is because you are no longer keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself, which can be quite freeing in and of itself. However, your psychologist will also be able to help you develop a range of coping mechanisms and tactics that you can use every day moving forward. 
  • Re-engage with your hobbies. Re-engaging in old hobbies is another great way to enhance your mental well-being, due to the simple fact that it encourages you to spend your free time doing something you love. This means that you can curate a better work-life balance, reduce stress, and spend time with other like-minded individuals. 
  • Develop an exercise routine. Developing an exercise routine that works for you can also be instrumental in better caring for your mental health. This is because exercising releases a range of mood-boost endorphins, and is often associated with lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression. This means that it’s time to get back into exercising regularly. Remember, this does not mean you have to spend 24/7 at the gym, as your routine can be tailored to your needs, and every minute makes a difference.