Struggling To Be A Better Man

Struggling To Be A Better Man

Hi Jaymee! I have been your silent follower i saw your struggles while living alone but your positive outlook in life stand out more. I wonder from where on Earth you’re taking all your energy to be an inspiration instead. And here you are reaching out to...
How To Help Teenagers Get Back Into Real Life

How To Help Teenagers Get Back Into Real Life

The lockdown has taken a toll on many people. Teenagers have suffered most of all. One minute, they were on the path to adult independence. The next, they were stuck at home with no school, no way to see their friends, and no activities. Now, the return to “normal”...

Healthy Eating For Teenagers

(Pixabay License. Free for commercial use. No attribution required.) Healthy eating requires you to eat a balanced variety of foods so that you get the nutrients needed for everyday bodily functions. A healthy diet plan is an important tool for young people. This...
My Dear Filipino Followers…

My Dear Filipino Followers…

Magandang buhay! It’s been awhile since I created a content catered for you. So I thought I’d write what’s in my heart why this is so. Some of you are probably thinking I’ve already changed, forgotten my roots or have become too Americanized...
Why “Adulting” Can Be Scary

Why “Adulting” Can Be Scary

That moment when you realize your own mortality… oh boy, welcome to adulting! It didn’t happen for me totally until I turned 40. But when it hit, life starts to slap you in the face much harder than you’d think! One minute you’re in school, asking...
Mom Knows Best

Mom Knows Best

When you were young, mom’s constant nags about life is sooooo annoying right? And then you grow up and realize that she’s so right all along. Here are some of my Mami’s redundant sermon growing up translated in English. I nod as I recall each one of...