Wellness resources, musings & more.




Smart Ways To Take Care Of Your Eyes

Smart Ways To Take Care Of Your Eyes

You only get two eyes to last you a lifetime, so looking after this is vital. Your eyes can go through all sorts of changes during your life, with many eye conditions becoming more of a risk once you hit your 50s and 60s. But you can take steps to care for your eyes...

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How To Look After Your Physical Self

How To Look After Your Physical Self

There are so many aspects to looking after yourself. It isn’t just about being healthy. It involves taking care of all aspects of your being such as your mental well being, your emotional well being, along with looking after all of your physical needs. It is so easy...

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Self-Published Books

My 2 self-published cancer-related books are out! Get the hard copy or ebook of each on Amazon, Shopee and PumplePie!

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I share my story as a Filipina in California winning 1 day at a time amidst metastatic breast cancer.

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