Reasons People Don’t Give Their Teeth Proper Care

by | May 14, 2021 | Health & Wellness

Most of us know that taking care of our teeth is essential for our oral health in the long run. No one wants to be at risk of losing their teeth, or of seeing them degrade over time, but it happens all the time. So, what are the common reasons for those who don’t treat their teeth with the care that they need?

Lack of habit

As with many of our daily habits, practicing good oral hygiene is something that we typically bring with us from childhood into adulthood. However, there are a lot of people who weren’t really taught the proper lessons of oral health care when they were a child and it’s easy for parents to let habits slip. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to start making it a habitual thing now, with apps like that can offer reminders and even play music to make sure that you’re spending enough time brushing in front of the mirror.

Phobias and fears

A dentist has to play a key role in the long-term oral health care of any individual. However, there are plenty of people out there who have some fear of being on the chair and under the lights for even the most basic of treatments. Gradual exposure to these fears can help make them much easier to deal with. However, for those who find it too difficult, there are also dentists who can offer care with the use of anesthetic to make sure that the individual is conscious or cognizant of what’s going on.

Not knowing their options

You might have experienced some real damage or degradation of the condition of your teeth over the years and might not be aware that your local dentist might be able to help fix more than you think. Teams like don’t just help their patients keep up with their oral health care. There is also a wide range of cosmetic and structural care options, from whitening treatments to even replacing teeth that have been seriously damaged with artificial replicas designed to look and feel like the real thing.

The emotional health connection

There is also a significant connection between how much self-care we take part in and how we see ourselves through the lens of our own emotional and mental health. If someone isn’t putting effort into taking care of their teeth, then they might also need to take steps to improve their mental wellbeing. Depression can make self-care seem pointless, and low self-esteem can make it seem like no steps to improve your oral health situation will work. These aren’t true, but emotional health issues can make it seem like they are.

Though it might seem like some people skip out on oral care out of laziness, the truth is that there’s usually a different reason. Once you understand the reasons, you can also start addressing the ways to solve them, as well, with the help of the tools mentioned above or your local dentist.