Top 3 Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Health & Wellness

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Your teeth’s appearance holds more significance than just a beautiful smile. You might overlook a missing molar or premolar because it’s hidden, but your jaw could lose bone density in that spot. According to research, 7% of people lose a permanent tooth by age seventeen, indicating the likelihood of experiencing that as you age. If you have missing teeth, here are some reasons to replace them.


  • Preserves bone density and facial structure

Apart from contributing significantly to your facial structure, your teeth stimulate the jawbone through biting, eating, and chewing. Therefore, when a tooth is missing, that spot stops its stimulation function. When several teeth are missing, there is a higher risk of losing your natural facial structure due to sunken cheeks and loss of volume in all the facial areas the teeth should have been in. Fortunately, all hope is not lost because science and technology provide solutions such as dental implants, which can help provide the needed jawbone stimulation. Implants provide the foundation to preserve bone density and, more importantly, maintain facial structure.


  • Ensures proper oral function

Every tooth has a function in your mouth. For example, the canines help you chew meat and crunchy foods. A full set of teeth means having four canines in each quadrant of a healthy dentition. The incisors, known as anterior teeth, bite and break food into smaller pieces. They are very sharp teeth located in the front of the mouth. Aside from the main central incisors, there are lateral incisors with similar functions. Finally, there are the premolars and molars – the latter being the largest. These two are responsible for grinding, crushing, and chewing food into digestible pieces. It is easy to see why the absence of any of these teeth types can cause problems in proper oral function. You may struggle with biting, tearing, chewing, or crushing food correctly. A more worrying issue is dental misalignment when missing teeth are left unattended for so long. This dental complication can lead to more serious health issues in the short to long term. For this reason, it is critical to consider options like dental implants, bridges, and dentures for missing teeth. It’s best to consult your local dentist to determine the right treatment for you, as they will consider several factors before recommending the appropriate dental replacement.


  • Boosts self-confidence and aesthetic appeal

Have you ever been sensitive about your smile because you have a few teeth missing? You are not alone, as research reveals that many people with missing dentitions complain about how difficult it is to smile and expose their teeth. That can significantly affect self-esteem, but the good news is that it can be rectified. The truth is that people unconsciously look at teeth when others smile – explaining why there are so many confidence issues with missing dentition. You don’t have to be self-conscious about your looks and smile anymore because there are permanent cosmetic solutions to resolve the problem. Many dental solutions are created to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. This way, nobody else would know you have a replacement tooth or a set of new teeth unless you tell them.