The Neighbor’s Garden

The Neighbor’s Garden

I always come across the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And it’s true. The more we look at other people’s seemingly amazing lives, the more we feel disadvantaged. And now with social media, we instantly fall into the trap of believing...
Tears Of Hope

Tears Of Hope

My phone alerted me today while at work. An email from my medical team. GULP. This, to me, literally feels like waiting for a court verdict. Is it death penalty or am I acquitted to keep living? I take an Arimidex pill daily along with a monthly Zoladex injection in...
Sentiments Of A 40 Year Old Tita Friend

Sentiments Of A 40 Year Old Tita Friend

DISCLAIMER: Written from a life experience of a childless woman at 40 who misses her friends from her youth who are now full time hands on mothers. “I have news!,” a good friend said. “What’s going on?”, I asked with so much curiosity....
Tita’s Goals This September

Tita’s Goals This September

Hola September! So happy to welcome you with so much hope and inspiration! Although I’m freakin’ nervous because I’ll see my oncologist again on your month (GULP) but I’d rather cross that uncertain bridge when I get there. Meanwhile, I’m...
Blessing Filled August! :)

Blessing Filled August! :)

Finishing August on a strong note!!! First, a feature on SD Voyager’s inspirational story in Normal Heights, a magazine based in San Diego, California. Take note, this is my first appearance on an American magazine EVER! Here’s the link so you can read my...