Cough Suppressant My Ass!

Cough Suppressant My Ass!

[NOTE: This is not the first time I’ve had a dry cough accompanied by shortness of breath since I did my breast cancer treatment. It’s actually the third time I’m experiencing it since I did chemo early 2017. I’ll elaborate in the later part.]...
Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

NOTE: This blog is proudly written in collaboration with, an American non-profit organization that supports breast cancer patients and research for October, the month for breast cancer awareness. I officially received my stage 2A diagnosis on October 2016...
To My Beloved Followers :)

To My Beloved Followers :)

I can’t find the perfect words to express how ridiculously overwhelmed, happy and grateful I am with the avalanche response that I received from social media recently as one inspirational video of mine went viral online. (I will write a separate blog entry about...