Tears Of Hope

Tears Of Hope

My phone alerted me today while at work. An email from my medical team. GULP. This, to me, literally feels like waiting for a court verdict. Is it death penalty or am I acquitted to keep living? I take an Arimidex pill daily along with a monthly Zoladex injection in...
Letter To My 40 Year Old Self

Letter To My 40 Year Old Self

My Dear Jaymee, No words can express how proud I am of you for reaching 40 years with your body parts still complete, sanity still somehow intact and fighting spirit still strong. I remember those dark days during your cancer journey where you wondered if you’ll...
My Health Timeline

My Health Timeline

Being active on social media and having opened up about my health, I’ve been receiving tons of inquiries about what the exact story is regarding my diagnosis. So to bring clarity to this topic and hopefully, be a useful resource to fellow cancer survivors out...
Life With A New Cancer Diagnosis

Life With A New Cancer Diagnosis

(NOTE: I’d rather not divulge the entire details of my recurring diagnosis as I don’t want to stir up unnecessary worries or fears from the outside world. Or perhaps, I’m not in the mood to share it just yet so I’m hoping for your understating...