Cough Suppressant My Ass!

Cough Suppressant My Ass!

[NOTE: This is not the first time I’ve had a dry cough accompanied by shortness of breath since I did my breast cancer treatment. It’s actually the third time I’m experiencing it since I did chemo early 2017. I’ll elaborate in the later part.]...
Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

NOTE: This blog is proudly written in collaboration with, an American non-profit organization that supports breast cancer patients and research for October, the month for breast cancer awareness. I officially received my stage 2A diagnosis on October 2016...
Pick Your Battle & Stick It Through

Pick Your Battle & Stick It Through

As a kid, I grew up believing that life should be easy. I was one of the lucky ones that was born in a well-off setting and got all the love and attention from being the youngest and the only girl in the family. I wake up and there’s always food in the fridge...
Nice Gifts For Cancer Patients

Nice Gifts For Cancer Patients

Being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease such as breast cancer is already stressful on its own. Plus, chemotherapy can cause nausea and messes up the appetite, sleep, immune system, digestion, weight, hormones, libido and energy levels. And since the Holidays...
Learnings for Thanksgiving 2017

Learnings for Thanksgiving 2017

One of the habits I’ve cultivated since my diagnosis is maintaining a daily gratitude diary wherein at the end of the day, I note down the things, people or situation that I’m thankful for, no matter how big or small. This practice trains my mind to see...