Blessing Filled August! :)

Blessing Filled August! :)

Finishing August on a strong note!!! First, a feature on SD Voyager’s inspirational story in Normal Heights, a magazine based in San Diego, California. Take note, this is my first appearance on an American magazine EVER! Here’s the link so you can read my...
My Exciting Journey to TITAhood

My Exciting Journey to TITAhood

Hello fellow Titas! I’d like to officially welcome you to my exciting journey to TITAhood!!! Before hitting 40, I was feeling the blues thinking, “MY GAD HIGAD! I’m an oldie!” But after one last cry a la Brian McKnight the night before July 27,...
Letter To My 40 Year Old Self

Letter To My 40 Year Old Self

My Dear Jaymee, No words can express how proud I am of you for reaching 40 years with your body parts still complete, sanity still somehow intact and fighting spirit still strong. I remember those dark days during your cancer journey where you wondered if you’ll...
FAQs About Breast Cancer

FAQs About Breast Cancer

Almost everyday, I receive cancer-related questions from social media followers. So I’m finally able to gather most of them right now and create an FAQ along with my response. My sources for these info are from personal experiences, my medical team at UCSD and...
My Health Timeline

My Health Timeline

Being active on social media and having opened up about my health, I’ve been receiving tons of inquiries about what the exact story is regarding my diagnosis. So to bring clarity to this topic and hopefully, be a useful resource to fellow cancer survivors out...