Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

Breast Cancer: The Bad, The Ugly, The Great

NOTE: This blog is proudly written in collaboration with, an American non-profit organization that supports breast cancer patients and research for October, the month for breast cancer awareness. I officially received my stage 2A diagnosis on October 2016...

“It’s Probably Nothing…”

One thing life reminded me about this crazy breast cancer journey is to never, ever ignore your intuition especially if it’s health matters. It’s better to seem paranoid than be complacent thinking, “Nah it’s nothing!” when it’s...
Marble Gummy Lump

Marble Gummy Lump

Around the same time last year, I woke up happy like any other awesome day in San Diego. Clear blue skies and bright sunshine as usual, had a good sleep, excited going to work as I was enjoying my hotel concierge job that gave me free restaurant deals and tourist...