My Take On Cosmetic Surgery

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Random Musings

[NOTE: I mention “Asian” because I’m speaking from a point of view of an Asian woman as I am one. Not because I disregard other races.]

My very recent video post on Facebook entitled “IGTV EP50: I’m Not White, I’m Filipina” (link can be seen below) gathered a warm response from social media. And with that, I’m truly grateful to know that people can appreciate the spoken sentiments I blurted coming from my heart.

But alongside the online applaud came some related queries from followers that can be summed up to one controversial question: “Jaymee, what is your take on cosmetic surgery?”

While most of the viewers of my video got the point I was addressing, some may not have completely understood so allow me to explain further.

First of all, if you watch it again, my talk is about Asian women trying to look “white”. And when I say that, I meant lightening their skin and dying their hair to look Caucasian. And since cosmetic surgery is closely affiliated with the topic, I did mention it.

I said and I quote “I have nothing against cosmetic surgery.”

After all, it’s not as taboo as it used to be back in the days which explains why it’s one of the highest earning industries in the world.

My take on this is that it’s your face, it’s your body so who am I to say on what you should or should not do with it? If you have the desire, the guts and the funds to go under the knife, you have every right to do whatever pleases you. But do so because you believe with all your heart that it will make you feel better about the way you look which in return, will affect how you see yourself and develop your confidence.

We all have our little physical pet peeves so if your flat nose or your small breasts are really bothering you that much up to the point where it cripples your self-esteem, then by all mean, do it. I truly understand and support your intention to self-improve. I was imposed to get a nose job back in my super young and insecure days when I was trying to break into the harsh Philippine entertainment industry. So I know how it felt like to be pressured to keep up. No one should judge you for wanting to do it.

But again, LET ME REITERATE: Get the job done because it will help overcome your insecurities. Not because you’re trying to look “white” or copy Taylor Swift.

There’s a difference between, “I will go under the knife because doing so will ENHANCE my Asian features” versus “I will get cosmetic surgery because I hate looking Asian and I want to look like a white girl.”

Because I truly believe in my heart that beauty can be found if you make the conscious choice to see it. It’s all about perspective because Caucasians go crazy with the tan skin and dark hair while the opposite goes for the race who possess those features… they’re trying to be “white”.

Yes we can blame the Manilyn Monroe and the Barbie doll era for promoting back then that blondes are more fun. But times are changing now. The world is opening up to the diversity of beauty.

So if you’re an oriental, brown or dark skinned woman reading this and you think you’re ugly because you don’t look like Charlize Theron, I’m telling you… YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You don’t need to look “white” to get the validation of beauty.

And at the end of the day, no amount of beauty products or cosmetic surgeries can make you feel good if you don’t truly love yourself. These things can help and give you a temporary high, yes. But it’s still up to you to do job of truly accepting and appreciating who you are regardless of your skin or hair color. Consistent inner soul work is your responsibility, not the doctor’s or Estée Lauder’s.

Yes, the blonde girls are definitely gorgeous. But so are the dark haired brown skinned women. Both are absolutely exquisite but just in a different way. And we should celebrate the beauty found in such uniqueness.

Winning With You All The Way Through,

P.S. I wore this blonde wig to add fuel to the topic. 😉