How To Maintain Healthy Teeth And Gums

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Health & Wellness

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Having healthy teeth and gums is the best way to prevent cavities, gum disease and tooth loss. However, increasing levels of research shows that having a healthy mouth is also critical for keeping the rest of the body healthy as well. People who regularly brush their teeth are less likely to have speech problems, chronic pain, and high blood pressure. 

In this post, we take a look at some of the ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums as you go through life. Read on to learn more. 


Brush Gently, Not Aggressively

Many people brush their teeth aggressively, believing that the harder they scrub, the more effective they will be. However, that’s not usually how it works. If you brush too hard it can actually damage the enamel on the surface of the teeth, making it easier for cavities to form where they shouldn’t.

Press on your teeth with the weight of around 150 grams – the same as a large bag of Doritos. There’s no need to go any harder than that. If you feel the toothbrush buckling under the pressure, ease off a little. 


See Your Dentist More Often

How often people visit their dentist is correlated with the health of their teeth. Dentists are experts at uncovering oral health problems before they become significant issues. 

Make sure that you see your dentist every three to six months or so. If you have ongoing treatment, such as All On 4 dental implants, you may want to go for more regular checkups. Those who wear dentures will also need to go to ensure no further damage to their teeth and gums. 


Floss Regularly

When food debris gets stuck between the teeth, it can lead to bad breath and a host of other issues. That’s why dental professionals universally recommend flossing. Getting rid of the food debris between teeth can help prevent decay and breakdown. 

If you aren’t keen on flossing, you can also use interdental brushes. These are tiny brushes able to fit between the gaps in your teeth. Research shows that they may be more effective than conventional flossing because of their ability to clear away more particles. 


Don’t Smoke

Smoking is notoriously bad for your oral health. Particles from cigarettes damage the gum lining in the mouth, leading to gingivitis which can develop into full-blown gum disease. 


Eat Fewer Sugary And Starchy Foods

Sugary foods and those containing refined starch are bad for teeth because they feed the bacteria that cause decay. Avoiding these foods helps to protect the teeth. 

Candies, pastries, cookies, white bread, white pasta, and white rice all contain sugar and refined starch. Where possible, replace these foods with unrefined alternatives, such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, red rice, brown paste, dates and date sugar. 


Drink Water Instead Of Sugary Drinks

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Lastly, you’ll want to reduce the amount of sugary drinks that you consume. Like refined and sugary foods, they also risk feeding the bacteria that cause your teeth to rot. Take water or fruit teas instead.