Dear Santa…

by | Dec 26, 2017 | Adulting

The last time I remember writing to you using a scented stationary and a felt tip pen was back when I was 10 years old… when life was way simpler and the digital world didn’t exist… when all I politely demanded from you was that my crush who lived next door to notice me, that I get good grades so that I can choose a toy that my parents would gladly get, or that lovely “princess” outfit in the store so that I can carry on ruling my fantasy “kingdom” a.k.a. my room with stuff toys who I pretend are my allies.

Thank you for almost always granting my requests as a kid. I’ve always been an optimistic and magical at heart so I never doubted your existence. Even now as a full-blown adult (or so I think!), I still believe in you. Thus, I’m writing this, in the digital way of doing things, because I know it will reach to you somewhere, somehow.

Last year at the same time, I spoke to you out loud with a broken heart, ego and hope. I reminisce sitting in my car, crying and lost, calling out to you and my Creator, pleading because I needed a miracle. I recall saying I wish I could go back to being a kid so that I can just write you my heart’s simple desires and VOILA! The next day, it’s right there under the Christmas tree. I wish it was that easy. But life happens and things change.

I remember asking for help. I asked you to show me how to swallow the bitter pill I’ve been given. I begged you to help me get through, to supply me with air as it was getting harder to breath and wipe away the tears that seem to never stop flowing. I breezed through the holidays last year pretending all is well and just enjoying for the sake of it so that I wouldn’t ruin the merry-making spirit in every social gathering I attend to. I convinced myself to heavily mask all the sadness, worries, fears and doubt, forced the child in me to come out so that I can live in the moment and enjoy what’s in front of me.

For the holidays this year, I no longer have to mask any misery or pretend I’m in good spirits. I will no longer take Christmas for granted and will celebrate it with so much glee, be grateful to be given the opportunity to experience it, and believe in the magic it brings just like I did when I was a child.

Thank you for granted me another year to feel your love, joy, hope, generosity and abundance.

Thank you for helping me get through from last year’s very challenging moment.

Thank you for bringing great people in my life and for making me believe in magic once again.

Thank you for eliminating those fair weather friends.

Thank you for revealing my true character and giving me the guts to finally own it.

Thank you for giving me the courage to speak and write my thoughts without fear of judgment.

Thank you for the magic and miracles.

This year, I will only ask for the following:

  • Safety, good health, abundance, peace and joy for my loved ones.
  • Strength and faith to anyone/anything going through major hurdles.
  • A constant supply of inspiration to keep writing and speaking about life’s truth and greatness.
  • Perfect health to keep fulfilling my God-ordained purposes.
  • A clear vision of my mission on Earth and a means and avenue to make it happen.
  • Enhanced skills and talents so I can give back to the world in various mediums.
  • Lots of love, beauty, abundance and wisdom to spread around.
  • A new convertible, house by the beach, and supply of healthy food, high-end beauty products and services (*HINT HINT!* Sponsor anyone? Hahaha!)

I will be good this year, Santa… and for the many more magical years to come. Merry Christmas, dear WINNERS! Believe in miracles. You’re looking at one. 🙂

#jaymeewins #lifeaftercancer #breastcancerthriver #keepbelieving #motivationalspeaker #lifecoach #winner #dearsanta #holidays #christmas2017 #wishesdocometrue #christmasmiracle #lifeiswhatyoumakeofit #innerchild