Wellness resources, musings & more.




Shake-Up Your Look!

Shake-Up Your Look!

When it comes to fashion and beauty, knowing what works for your features and body type can help you to create a bespoke style. However, sticking to your usual choices too rigidly can get a little dull. By shaking up your look every so often, you can stay on-trend and...

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My Online Contents

Self-Published Books

My 2 self-published cancer-related books are out! Get the hard copy or ebook of each on Amazon, Shopee and PumplePie!

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I share my story as a Filipina in California winning 1 day at a time amidst metastatic breast cancer.

Listen to my Podcast

Listen in as I share stories to inspire, uplift and empower you to WIN your daily life battles one step at a time, one day at a time.

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Let me know and I’ll do my best.