Wellness resources, musings & more.




Simple Strategies For Long Term Oral Health

Simple Strategies For Long Term Oral Health

Long-term oral health isn’t complicated. Indeed, there are some very simple things that we can all do regularly that will ensure our teeth and mouths are all smiles! Keep reading to find out what they are. Credit: Pexels – Licence CC0 Brush Your Teeth Brushing your...

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4 Tips To Start Making Money Online

4 Tips To Start Making Money Online

In the fast-paced competitive world we find ourselves in, generating enough money to sustain a family might sometimes feel overwhelming. But, this isn’t always how you have to handle it, and in most instances, individuals struggle to make enough money with one stream...

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Self-Published Books

My 2 self-published cancer-related books are out! Get the hard copy or ebook of each on Amazon, Shopee and PumplePie!

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I share my story as a Filipina in California winning 1 day at a time amidst metastatic breast cancer.

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Listen in as I share stories to inspire, uplift and empower you to WIN your daily life battles one step at a time, one day at a time.

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