Beginner’s Vinyasa Yoga At Home

by | Apr 11, 2020 | Health & Wellness

I finally had the courage to do an online Vinyasa yoga video of me teaching!!! YAY!!! If you just recently followed me on social media, I did take up yoga teacher training at CorePower here in San Diego towards the end of 2018. I didn’t really intend to teach but rather, deepen my practice and meet fellow yogis who share the same interest.

Yoga was the only exercise I wanted to do during cancer treatment even at my very weakest. And it has always helped me tremendously in fighting off depression and anxiety post-treatment so I truly advocate for it.

But just like any other beginner in any field, I didn’t feel confident to teach as compared to practicing. Teaching is a lot of performance and requires more of your energy than practicing. The whole class depends on your cuing and sequencing. I just didn’t have the balls to own it so I carried on with just deepening my practice and found joy in learning the know-hows.

But with the CoVid-19 pandemic going on, I got pushed to be resourceful and do my practice at home. So I gave teaching online a shot as well! I know I’m still a work in progress and my shoebox apartment isn’t exactly giving me the space I need but I gotta’ start somewhere right? If there’s a will, there’s always a way so I made it work in the best of my ability.

If you’re a beginner and would like to try it for 10 minutes just to get a feel of it, here’s the link to my video, doing the 10-minute Vinyasa flow. 🙂

If you’d like to do the 30 minute flow where I pre-recorded my voice so that I can focus more on demonstrating how to do the poses with you, here’s the link below. Eventually, my goal is to be able to practice AND teach for 1 hour without having to pre-record my voice! Stay patient with me. I’ll get there. 😉

I hope this helps you relax and stretch that beautiful body of yours in this self-quarantine period. We have to silence our minds for 30 minutes and give full attention to our breathing and well-being of our body. Please let me know your thoughts on the videos and the practice! I’m still learning and improving in this department so your feedback would be highly appreciated. Stay safe and healthy. Let’s keep WINNING! Namaste.