4 Ways to Improve Your Health When At Work

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Health & Wellness

Image Credit: Pexels

There are over 5.7 million non-fatal workplace accidents in the US each year. Many of us are in high-stress jobs, have long hours, and involve tasks that require intense concentration. All this can take its toll on our physical and mental health. If you think your health is declining at work, you’re not alone—and there are steps you can take to keep things from getting worse.


Drink plenty of water

Water is essential for good health, but the truth is that we often forget to drink enough of it. Drinking plenty of water keeps your energy levels up, helps you concentrate better, and can even help with your mood. Make it a point to drink two liters of water daily, and you’ll notice a difference in your work performance. If you can, get a water jug and place it on your desk where you can see it. This way, you’ll be able to track how much you’re drinking throughout the day and ensure you stay hydrated. 


Use the proper safety equipment when required

Workplaces require employees to use all equipment daily, from heavy tools to dangerous machinery. While some of these tasks might seem simple while keeping your health in check, others can lead to serious injury if done improperly. You must use the proper safety equipment while at work where required. Use the right tools for the job. If you’re lifting heavy objects, use the right equipment, like a back-strap truck or a pallet jack.

If you’re working with a hazardous chemical, use the proper protective equipment and inform your employers of any damage or concerns you might have. Chemical exposure can have detrimental effects on your long-term health, so you may require the skills of an AFFF lawyer to help you in the future.

Ensure you know how to use machinery properly and follow all safety instructions. Use the right ergonomic equipment for your tasks if you’re in an office setting. Ensure you have suitable chairs, desks, and computer equipment to avoid straining your body.


Check your posture

You might feel like you’re a kid again and have to sit up straight, but good posture is essential for your health at work. Check your posture regularly and use a posture corrector if you need to. Make sure you’re sitting in a position where your back is straight, you’re not leaning, and your head is also held up straight. Avoid leaning on your desk while working or while speaking on the phone. If you’re having trouble keeping your posture straight, use a footstool or a posture corrector that you can strap around your upper back to help keep your back straight. 


Move more

If you’re at a desk job where you’re required to sit for long hours, it’s essential to take regular movement breaks. Even though you’re sitting, you can still take a few small daily breaks to stretch and move around. Make it a point to stand up, walk around the office, or take a quick stroll outside. You can also use the standing desks available at many workplaces now. When using a computer, ensure your desk and chair are ergonomic enough not to strain your body. If you’re in a job requiring heavy machinery, take regular breaks to move around. Schedule frequent breaks during the day where you can walk around and stretch. Even if it’s just for five minutes every hour, this will help you stay focused and keep your body from getting stiff.



When your health starts declining at work, it’s time to take note and make changes. While the job you chose may have been a dream career, knowing that it can take a lot out of you is essential. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be happier at work and able to perform your duties without getting sick.