4 Things That Can Hurt Your Skin

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Health & Wellness

The skin is the largest organ of the body and its health is essential. However, there are many factors that can cause damage to the skin, leading to irritation and inflammation. From UV radiation to makeup, there are a number of things that can hurt your skin. Good skin care is essential and understanding the things that can cause extensive damage is the first step in taking care of it. When it comes to skincare, there are four main things that you need to be aware of. Take a look below for more information on this and how to manage these factors. 


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Have you ever been worried about something and noticed a spot appear on your face? This is what happens when you are stressed and don’t take any time for yourself. Spots and outbreaks can happen simply due to the hormones racing around your body when you are stressed out. Stress is sometimes something that can’t always be avoided but the key is to find ways to effectively manage it. This could be meditation or finding a hobby that calms you down at the end of a stressful day. 



If you don’t keep your skin hydrated then you may start to notice early-onset wrinkles appearing. These will usually appear around your eyes or on your forehead, your skin will also feel incredibly dry. It is just your skin calling out for some TLC and some hydration. The products you use on your skin can be responsible for this as well as you not drinking enough water throughout the day. Ideally, you should be enjoying two liters of water a day to keep your mind, body, and skin hydrated. You can also get creams that contain added hydration which is great for your skin. 



Be aware of how long you are staying in the sun, UVA rays are incredibly harmful to your skin. They damage the cells that keep your skin healthy and supple, it also increases the risk of developing skin cancer if you are not preparing your skin for the sun in the right way. If you are fair skinned then you will need to be extra mindful and maybe do some research on tanning with fair skin to find out more. 



Finally, you need to be aware that any products and makeup you use on your face can be harmful to your skin. If you use the wrong thing then you can expose yourself to irritation, inflammation, and even outbreaks. If you want to avoid this happening then go to a high-quality makeup store. They will be able to match products with your skin type and give you the very best advice about skincare. 

Something to be mindful of when it comes to makeup is you should be removing it at night time, and never sleep in makeup. This gives your skin a chance to breathe and heal overnight from any damage it incurred during the day. 


We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you many tips and tricks on what is damaging your skin and how to rectify this. Look after your skin and your skin will look after you.